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Pet HeadQuarters Training Registration
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Your pets name?
What breed of dog?
Age of Dog?
What class (es) are you registering for?
Puppy (Puppies must be younger than 4 months at beginning of class)
Level 1
Level 2
Is your pet spayed or neutered?
What veterinarian do you use?
What is your veterinarian's number?
I acknowledge and agree that I must show proof of vaccination by a veterinarian before I may attend classes.
I agree
I do not agree
Does your dog have any behavioral issues such as aggression (whether to dogs or people), fear or allergies that I need to be aware of? If so, please explain.
Your Name
Your Email
Confirm Email
Phone number
Alternate phone number
Street address
City, State, Zip
Where you referred?
If yes, by whom?
What orientation will you be attending?
Wednesday, January 8, 6:30 pm
Returning student, no orientation necessary
Do you have any goals or expectations with training?
I understand that I have 3 months to begin my classes once I have attended orientation, or I will need to attend orientation again with an additional cost of $20.00.
I agree
I disagree
All classes are filled on a first come, first served basis. You will not be considered fully registered until both registration and payment are received.
I agree
I disagree
I understand that classes are non-refundable once I have attended orientation.
I agree
I disagree
Trainer has the right to refuse services if a student (person or animal) is a threat within the classroom, is unhealthy, does not seem suitable for services, or does not sign up for classes in a proper and timely fashion.
I agree
I disagree
Owner is responsible for removal of excrement of their pet inside and outside the premises of Pet HQ.
I agree
I disagree
I agree to hold Trainer and agents of Pet HQ harmless from liability for any loss, damage or injury to persons, animals or property arising from pet.
I agree
I disagree
I understand that the Trainer offers no guarantee due to not being able to monitor if different training methods are used outside of the classroom or how often items are practiced.
I agree
I disagree
Please type in your Name and Date as acceptance of above stipulations.